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August 30, 2013

No Double Standard

Who reading this post does not like Army men? Or Army women? What about them is the most intriguing to you? This is what I generally think about first:

  • They get paid to learn how to fight
  • They shoot guns for work
  • They get to travel the world over
  • They are fearless
  • They live through seeing a lot of death

I have always admired Army service men/women because of their courage, their resilience, their honor, their selflessness, their sacrifice, their loyalty to their country, their willingness to protect even those who don't appreciate their protection. Many people have claimed that there are those in the Army who are scumbags. But I am not talking about them. I am talking about the real heroes, the ones who retain their integrity no matter what circumstances they are in. 

*One such veracious person I know, who served in the United States Army for a time, was asked this question by a fellow serviceman: "In times of war should not the moral code be relaxed? Does not the stress of battle justify men in doing things that they would not do when at home under normal situations?" You all know what he was really asking here. 

To this the man replied, "I do not believe there is a double standard of morality."

Yes! Doesn't this just make you want to shout in agreement? Believe me, I like men who are strong, (Colonel Jack Haskins in my novel, Sara in the Army, makes this very obvious), but men with strong character (also like Jack), now that is what draws me in.  The combination of strength, courage, ambition and integrity has such a profound influence on me and I can't think about those serving in the Army without feeling a sense of deep awe and gratitude. For all of you Army people out there, I've got your back. I mean, you've got mine. Thank you!

*find the article with extended quotes from said veracious man here.

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