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September 24, 2014

Don't Give Me Back My Diamond Ring! I Gave It To You!

Dear Love,

Oh, how lovely, smart, original, funny, heart-warming and bold you are! You make me laugh and cry! However, I can not accept your proposal. You see, I have received so many other proposals that are lovely, smart, original, funny, heart-warming and bold. I can not accept that diamond you offered me.

This is not to say that your diamond was not absolutely beautiful and brilliant. It is easy to see that you put a lot of time and effort and thought and money into such a gift. However, I can not accept it at this time. But, please remember your diamond is wonderful. 

I know you said you would be entirely and completely committed to me if I accepted your proposal and wonderful gift. And I realize that this diamond came with your heart and that it hurt deeper than the deepest wound when you opened your soul to me so I could share it with you. But, I can not claim it as my own. I can not make the same commitment to you, my love, because I have been given so many other hearts, you see. I wouldn't know what to do with it. So, my love, I have decided to throw yours away. But, don't worry, this does not mean your heart was not good. Just not good enough for me. 

The Publishing Company


linda said...

Ohhhhhh! Keep writing! I love a good love story and your book was wonderful!!!!!

Author Brenda said...

Thank you, Linda! You are the best! =)