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December 16, 2013

I love you, Christmas

I love you, Christmas. I love the warmth you bring to my heart. I love how you gently prod each of us to think more of others during this time of year. You bring out the best in people, Christmas. You help people give and give, even though they may have very little to begin with.

Let me tell you what you have done for me so far, Christmas. You have brought me angels! Not the angels with wings or the angels in heaven, but angels on earth. These angels have brought me a listening ear, and an understanding heart. Aren't these some of the best gifts of Christmas? You have given me an anonymous friend who comes to my doorstep every night to bring me some small gift of cheer. Oh, my dear Christmas, how this gladdens my heart! 

Do you know one of my most favorite things about you, Christmas? Your music! I love the sound of joyous voices, or the sweet notes of the Christmas symphony. I love to sing your songs, Christmas. 

But the dearest, sweetest part of you, Christmas, is the love I feel from Him whose birth and life we celebrate. For without Him, there is no Christmas; and without Him there is no joy, no love, and no goodness. All good things, especially you, Christmas, come from Him. It is Jesus Christ, our Lord, who moves us to compassion, to service, to forgiveness, to hope. He is the One who lifts us up out of our own, individual despair. He is real! He was born in Bethlehem and He died on Calvary! But most importantly, three days later, He lived again! And He still lives! He lives to bring us all to His higher ways, and to His constant and unconditional love. He is the best gift of Christmas and His love is freely given to every one of us!

Merry Christmas!

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