Last time I posted on this blog I told you I was taking a break from blogging so I could pursue my podcast...
Well, I did that. And it was fun! It served its purpose. And now I'm done. Waaaayyyy done - at least for the foreseeable future.
Posting a chapter a week on my podcast for all four of my books was a challenge. Sometimes I wrote the chapter just a couple of days before! But I got it done. I had over 57,000 downloads by the time I finished. I know that's not a lot compared to most podcasts, but I'm still proud of that number, especially since mine was a storytelling podcast, and not a typical one.
I was hoping to get revenue from my printed books, driven from my podcast audience. That didn't happen.
Lesson learned - people who listen to podcasts listen to audio books.
So, I did a ton of work to turn the four seasons of my podcast into four audio books. And now you can purchase my audio books anywhere! My four novels (including one novella) are now available in print, ebook, and audiobook. I wish I could have had a committee of helpers. But that was not the case. This was basically a solo-job. A one-woman endeavor through and through (with the exception of a couple of editors and some extra help with my cover design and map design in Queen Andraya). Ultimately, I had no one to help me figure all of it out, and I had to go through a lot of trial and error. But I'm super proud of the final version of my books - inside and out.
Next lesson learned: I'm allowed to be proud of myself (and so are you!)
One could say that I have been a complete failure - because monetarily I have been. But that can change. I know it can. Also, money aside, I have accomplished a ton. I've written four books and narrated four books, and now they're all published in three different formats! Besides, I have a family, and lots of motherly and church responsibilities. My kids only grow up once. That time I will never get back and I have never once regretted my time with them. They are truly angels sent to me. I am so blessed.
Anyway, I'm done podcasting and I'm looking forward to blogging again! Feel free to ask me questions about anything and everything you'd like me to blog about in the future.
Take care,
Brenda Hodnett
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